
My Disney Experience App

My Disney Experience Updates Cinderella Castle In front of the 50th commemoration festivity of the Magic Kingdom one year from now, it was declared that Cinderella Castle would get another paint work. We've been following this advancement progressively, looking as our adored manor gradually went to a pink shade with brilliant, regal blue rooftops and gold-plunged turrets. Presently, the stronghold's appearance has been refreshed on My Disney Experience: In the video above, you'll see that the manor looks simply like the genuine stronghold in the recreation center, though in an animation style. The sun sparkles, the mists influence here and there and even the banners are moving as though they're trapped in a breeze. As of now, you can see the new workmanship when you sign in to your My Disney Experience account through a portable web browser.It's ideal to see that the château is at any rate strong over the entirety of the stages, reality and carefully. Circumst